Monday, May 4, 2020


I have a slice of life poem today.  I would love to see a day of your quarantine life in the comments!


The days run together
Is is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday?
I know the weekend because dad is home
We are all home

it is me and my son.

Reading, legos, playing tag in the yard.
Too much screen time
for him

while I zoom
and email
and chat
and plan
for my students.

bike rides, hikes, climbing trees.


Soccer, baseball, golf in the yard.

quiet time for him and
more work for me.

Finish my zooms,
and emails,
and chats,
and plans
for my students.

Quiet time is over now.
More reading, drawing, cars and trucks.

And finally, Dad is home!

Someone to give a me a breather.
More family time, walks, bike rides.

Bed time for him.

Quiet time for us.

Bed time for all.

We'll do it again tomorrow.

Starting Again

Hi there!  Welcome to my 5th grade classroom blog.  I started this blog long ago - 2013 to be exact.  I posted occasionally for a couple of years and then stopped in 2015.  Not a coincidence that I started a family at that exact time.  I'm dusting off this blog for a class I am currently taking, and I think it might be a great way to share some of the books I am reading, as well as some of my favorite books, as we are in the middle of distance learning due to COVID-19. 

On this page, you can find recommendations to many books that are perfect for 5th graders.  You might also find some Slice of Life writing that I hope inspires you to write at home too.  I would love to hear what you think about these books in the comments!  And I would love suggestions about what to read next!